Thursday, April 29, 2010

Alexandre Bilbodeau: The story of a loving brother & the winner of Canada's 1st gold medal on home ice.

I always imagined when I watched 'the I believe' commercial that we could do better than we had before. After all there had been no gold at Montreal's games and none in Calgary, so hopefully we would win gold in Vancouver. Guess what? that happened and who ever thought it would be Bilodeau who would be the first. I had a conversation with my dad and we had both agreed that he might win bronze tonight but not gold because some other Canadian by the name of Dale Begg-Smith would get it. However Begg-Smith had decided to leave Canada for Australia and became a multi millionarie. I guess money can buy you gold but not a gold metal because he did come away with the silver medal.
As a loving brother, Bilodeau gave up hockey because his brother couldn't skate because he has cerebral palsy. Instead Bilodeau went into freestyle sking and that was obviously was a good choice . His brother is one of his biggest fans and comes with him to turnaments in which he came in 11 place. Now in 2010 he came in first. What a turn around for a guy who no one had predicted would get a medal, but had been ranked number 4 in the World Cup standings. I think Canada has waited long enough to hear that we have a gold after 34 years of not getting any on home soil. Canada now has a gold all thanks to Canada's new hero Alexandre Bilodeau, and this moment will go down as one of the top moments in Canadian history and people will remember this day February 14 2010.

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